National Institute of Health Korea Vaccine Resarch Center

Main Project Plans

Main Project Activities

  • STEP1, STEP4 : core Projects
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Table of initial core business contents of business plan - STEP 1 (AI-based antigen design), STEP 2 (secure vaccine platform and small-scale production), STEP 3 (establishment of rapid verification system), STEP 4 (construction and operation of antigen library) item information provide
Key FunctionsSTEP 1
AI-based antigen design
Securing vaccine platform and small-scale production
Establishing a rapid verification system
Constructing and operating antigen libraries
AI-based candidate material discovery Support for the production and analysis of small-scale non-clinical specimens (Non-)clinical data analysis Antigen library production and stockpiling
Key Roles
  • Candidate material discovery using AI technology
  • Small-scale production (using mRNA & DNA) to select and verify candidate materials that can be used as vaccines in the future
  • Verification through biosafety research facilities, etc.
  • Stockpile of antigens that have been verified and can be quickly developed into vaccines in the future